ft_string_indexer: Feature Transformation - StringIndexer (Estimator). ft_stop_words_remover: Feature Transformation - StopWordsRemover (Transformer). ft_standard_scaler: Feature Transformation - StandardScaler (Estimator). ft_robust_scaler: Feature Transformation - RobustScaler (Estimator). ft_r_formula: Feature Transformation - RFormula (Estimator). ft_regex_tokenizer: Feature Transformation - RegexTokenizer (Transformer). ft_quantile_discretizer: Feature Transformation - QuantileDiscretizer (Estimator). ft_polynomial_expansion: Feature Transformation - PolynomialExpansion (Transformer). ft_pca: Feature Transformation - PCA (Estimator). ft_one_hot_encoder_estimator: Feature Transformation - OneHotEncoderEstimator (Estimator). ft_one_hot_encoder: Feature Transformation - OneHotEncoder (Transformer). ft_normalizer: Feature Transformation - Normalizer (Transformer). ft_ngram: Feature Transformation - NGram (Transformer). ft_min_max_scaler: Feature Transformation - MinMaxScaler (Estimator). ft_max_abs_scaler: Feature Transformation - MaxAbsScaler (Estimator). ft_lsh_utils: Utility functions for LSH models. ft_lsh: Feature Transformation - LSH (Estimator). ft_interaction: Feature Transformation - Interaction (Transformer). ft_index_to_string: Feature Transformation - IndexToString (Transformer). ft_imputer: Feature Transformation - Imputer (Estimator). ft_idf: Feature Transformation - IDF (Estimator). ft_hashing_tf: Feature Transformation - HashingTF (Transformer). ft_feature_hasher: Feature Transformation - FeatureHasher (Transformer). ft_elementwise_product: Feature Transformation - ElementwiseProduct (Transformer). ft_dct: Feature Transformation - Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). ft_count_vectorizer: Feature Transformation - CountVectorizer (Estimator). ft_chisq_selector: Feature Transformation - ChiSqSelector (Estimator). ft_bucketizer: Feature Transformation - Bucketizer (Transformer). ft_binarizer: Feature Transformation - Binarizer (Transformer). find_scalac: Discover the Scala Compiler. ensure: Enforce Specific Structure for R Objects. dplyr_hof: dplyr wrappers for Apache Spark higher order functions. download_scalac: Downloads default Scala Compilers. DBISparkResult-class: DBI Spark Result. copy_to.spark_connection: Copy an R Data Frame to Spark. connection_spark_shinyapp: A Shiny app that can be used to construct a 'spark_connect'.
connection_is_open: Check whether the connection is open.connection_config: Read configuration values for a connection.
compile_package_jars: Compile Scala sources into a Java Archive (jar). collect_from_rds: Collect Spark data serialized in RDS format into R. checkpoint_directory: Set/Get Spark checkpoint directory. arrow_enabled_object: Determine whether arrow is able to serialize the given R. CRAN.R PROJECT.ORG SPARKTABLE CODE
Since it's open source however, it's very open to customisation by it's users so if there's something you don't like, you can access the source code easily. The aim has been to put control in the hands of the user although it has to be said, the user needs to know exactly what they are doing with such complex tools to get any real benefit out of it other than drawing pretty graphs.
The main strength of the program is that it can produce high quality, well defined plots including mathematical symbols and formulae. The developers have chosen the S language as what they call the "vehicle of choice" for research in statistical methodology. R is an attempt to provide a wide variety of statistical analysing - namely linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering methods and graphical techniques. If you're a biomedical student or serious scientists then you'll have to perform some pretty complex linear and non linear calculations. Analyser for biochemistry students and scientists